Monday, January 12, 2009

Bacon Explosion: The Experience

So my business partner found the recipe to Bacon Explosion on  It's a recipe guaranteed to get you to "Pork Nirvana in no time flat."  Also, it's a recipe unapologetic for the amount of pork meat required to make it, about four pounds.

Check out the recipe here:(

It was all fun and games until my wife decides that she wants to actually cook the thing.  I should add here that we deviated from the recipe, we had to.  The main reason for this is that we did NOT have a smoker. ;)


Here's a little video of our experience.
(And by little, I mean 10 minutes)

(In case you need the link, click here.)


Anonymous said...

Great video guys! There's bacon, pork, love, mystery, intrigue, Rachmaninoff, and FIRE!

And you ate it!

We were gonna try this recipe... Nah, not so much now.

"Bob Evans: Seinfeld, table for 4?"

Brian and Marilyn

Kathy said...

Awesome video. Maybe I'll switch my yule log for Christmas and make it a bacon log now that I know it'll keep an entire family warm.

ME said...

Love the video...thinking about trying the Bacon Explosion for the Superbowl!!

BTW: A Gaffer is the lead electrical grip on a film/video crew

Thomas B. Woodward said...

Great Video -- informative, charming, engaging -- everything I wanted and more.

I want to move in next door to you two.
Tom Woodward
Santa Fe

Anonymous said...

What a narcissistic exercise -- and what a waste of time and meat!

Anonymous said...

this is the most boring video ever. make the damn thing and don't spend time telling us how you felt about it. comments about production being difficult leave for the extras on the dvd thanks.

Anonymous said...

I LOVED THE VIDEO! you two are just sooo adorable!! but the fooodd might wanna work on it!!!

Anonymous said...

Great Video!
It's a good thing you didn't follow the recipe. The fire was much more interesting.

Anonymous said...

Why not just film yourselves saying, "ME, ME ME!!" for ten minutes? That would have the same intrinsic value and intent.

Adam Cole said...

Well you haven't erased my qualms about the "Bacon Explosion"... but getting linked by the NY Times is no mean feat.

Anonymous said...

Bored on a rainy day, I was at Yahoo and saw an article about the Bacon Explosion. In the article it talked about a "video" of it actually on fire. The word video was the link and it took me to your site.

I watched it and I can honestly say, I wasn't bored anymore!:-)

Really enjoyed the video!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well, I must say, any seasoned BBQer knows not to much that much grease over an open flame. There's a reason it's supposed to be SMOKED and not grilled. It was your own lack of grillin/smokin skills that led to the demise of your Bacon Explosion. I will be making this VERY SOON and it WILL turn out better than that. Don't let this video discourage you from trying this awesome invention!

Anonymous said...

Stupid is as stupid does.

Anonymous said...

This is why Americans are overweight, 5,000 calories and 500 from fat? Then after you consumed probably three days of calories, you went straight to bed so all that fat can slowly absord into your body. WAY TO GO!!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

This is why Americans are overweight, 5,000 calories and 500 from fat? Then after you consumed probably three days of calories, you went straight to bed so all that fat can slowly absord into your body. WAY TO GO!!"

Dear Moron,

If you actually read the recipe, it's designed to serve ten. While 500 calories, 50 from fat, are certainly not 'healthful', eating it on special occasions, such as Superbowl Sunday will not do significant harm.

Anonymous said...

Wow, your wife is FAT. Looks like she's scarfed down a few bacon explosions in her day. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Fatass losers

Anonymous said...

Dear God this was fun! Thank you so much for the video,now I just gotta convince MY master chef to make this!

Anonymous said...

probably 500 calories per serving! The American Heart association probably recomended thats all you eat of that thing! and 500 calories of that equals to about 6.4 ounces. And do you think that most people will only eat that? When most people will eat a 16 oz steak, taters and thats after they allready wolfed down an appitzer!! Oh wait, this is my favorite part, this guy cooked his bacon in MORE BACON LARD!!!! hahaha, very nice. And the "MORONS" who use the excuse that eating this on special occansions such as the superbowl, have the same excuse for 4th of July, easter, memorial day, dead presidents birthdays, and why not on the weekends, it is the weekend after all!

Anonymous said...

ZZzzzzZZZzzzzZZZzz Oh...sorry is the video over? OMG how fricken boring was that. A total waste of 10 mins. I was waiting for the explosion....there was NO was a camp fire...False Advertising at its best. NO EXPLOSION. Just a fire. Going back to sleep now. ZZzzzzZZzzzZZzzzz

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh. I don't even know you guys, but that was a funny video. You folks are great for taking the time to do it. I laughed and laughed. Probably because I've just recently had a new bacon (pork fat) awakening in Germany. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

You know, this was all in fun. Why do mean people have to answer at all?

Anonymous said...

the lady has a great sense of humor. this was very entertaining. I don't know what kind of retard would leave rude comment on someone's blog, but the commenter should go get bent.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely great, the first cooking video I see that keeps you waintig for what is next, just as if it was a Hitchcock film!
And the editor was just as good as a pro... cut to testimony, back to the meat loaf (oh sorry, the Bacon Explosion), and everything with the appropriated music. BRAVO!
By the way... the final master piece was not so ugly...

Anonymous said...

Thia video made me smile :)

It's cool to see a couple cooking together and having fun while at it.

Gotta love the wife's hearty laugh.

Thanks for sharing that! :)

Anonymous said...

You guys are such a cute couple, and your kid is adorable. I loved the sense of fun throughout the whole thing, even in the level of production effort. (LOVED the credits - I enjoyed seeing who played the characters of "Bacon" and "Sausage"!)

Anonymous said...

I don't think it turned out that bad if you ever try this again try keeping it covered in a closed container with a loose lid or on a cookie sheet tray rolled in tin foil the key is to minimize the grease splattering into the fire. I have done this with a gas grill before with chicken & bacon as well as salmon using several layers of heavy duty tin foil on a lower heat (not high) I poke a few holes with a tooth pick to gradually let out the juices which tends to cook gradually over a longer length of time. However it simmering in the juices longer makes it awesome. Enjoy

Anonymous said...

Great video, and a classic recipe which I shall be trying shortly. But what are you doing wearing a hat indoors!?

Anne Pink said...

I see they shop at the "Starving Artists" painting sale at the Holiday Inn.....

Unknown said...

i thought was a great video..ABSOLUTELY...what we need more of...FUN....keep up the great work

Anonymous said...

Rimsky Korsakov wrote "flight of the bumblebee" not Beethoven. Pate will often be wrapped in bacon while baking. Filet Migon wrapped in bacon. Scallops wrapped in bacon etc. The bacon gives the sausage some structure in this dish. Meatloaf wrapped in bacon could be a close cousin to this recipe using a roasting pan but not covering it except with a sheet of baking foil if needed and the bacon would have browned nicely in the oven. I once decided to smoke a turkey in my Weber BBQ and forgot to catch the drippings. The flame was about 4 feet tall and the turkey black. Live, experiment and learn. Repeat. The video was great fun.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

That was great - we are cooking our version on the gas grill as I type. I immediately turned the direct flame off when I saw your fire!

Awesome - thanks for the fun.

Anonymous said...

LOVED the video! Great fun. Best moment? The lady saying "we knew something was wrong when the dog was wimpering at the back door". Fantastic sense of humour by both of you for posting this. Thank you very much. You made me laugh out loud after a crappy day.

I hope you are rightfully ignoring all the negative and cruel comments posted here from idiots with too much time on their hands. People who post negative stuff like that just to do so disgust me.

Thanks again for the laughs.

