Friday, December 28, 2007


I've heard this word way too many times over the past couple of weeks and it's really disturbing.  Usually, it's in reference to something medical, obviously cancer related...  but, tonight while watching Larry King Live, the word "metastasizing" was used to describe the current situation with Pakistan in reference to terrorism, the taliban and Al-Qaeda.

Personally, with everything going on, I'm feeling overwhelmed and, now, I'm deeply saddened over the events that have and are happening in Pakistan.

Benazir Bhutto waves to her supporters in Karachi during a rally against the Pakistan government 
(AFP Photo/Amir Qureshi, Copyright AFP/Corbis)

Benazir Bhutto was assassinated yesterday.

Not only was she the youngest and first woman to ever head the government of a Muslin-majority state, she was also a wife and mother to three children.  Her life was filled with many obstacles and challenges, but she stood by her convictions and lost her life doing what she believed in.  And, as with any loss of life, there is tragedy, but Bhutto's death has world wide repercussion. 

What's going to happen in the upcoming days, months, or years?  No one really knows.  Analysts are speculating, presidential candidates are still campaigning and people are questioning.

All I know is that while my kids are worried about having to eat their vegetables, I'll be worried about getting them better prepared for a scary and very uncertain world.

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