Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

My photos from the past couple of days are up. They are from the Parade and Thanksgiving Dinner. View 'em in my Picasa Web Albums... if you're interested:

NYC Thanksgiving
Here's a couple of pictures that make me chuckle... Can you see what's funny about this picture? Look closely, it's the beloved Walt Disney character and star of JoJo's Circus, Miss JoJo herself. Many of the adults around us got a kick out of it. Maybe JoJo is a turkey activist and is voicing her opinion of the needless slaughter of many turkeys during this time of year... Maybe she's tired of being held down by the man, representative of the many ropes that have her bound so close to the ground...

Maybe she's tired of being a Disney sell-out...

JoJo, if I could, I'd set you free.